Louisville Gas and Electric (LG&E) and Kentucky Utilities Company will retire three older coal-fired power stations to meet new federal Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) regulations.

According to the companies, the retirements of the Cane Run, Tyrone and Green River power stations are the results of the ongoing EPA regulation analysis and last December’s request for proposal submittals.

The companies seek approval from the Kentucky Public Service Commission to build a 640MW natural gas combined-cycle power generating unit at the existing Cane Run site in southwestern Louisville.

They have also requested approval to buy from Bluegrass Generation three additional simple-cycle natural gas combustion turbines located in LaGrange that will have up to 495MW of peak generation capacity.

LG&E and Kentucky Utilities Company, part of the PPL Corporation family of companies, are regulated utilities that serve a total of 1.2 million customers.