The wells, the 23-35 and 24-35, targeted the Santa Margarita oil reservoir, which is the primary oil reservoir in the Pleito Creek field.

The 23-35 well was drilled on the south flank of the field to a total measured depth of 4,665ft and encountered 237 gross feet of Santa Margarita reservoir and 176 net feet of oil pay.

The 24-35 well was drilled to a total measured depth of 4,850ft and encountered 365 gross feet of Santa Margarita reservoir and 299 net feet of oil pay.

According to the company, the wells are in the process of being completed.

In addition to the Santa Margarita reservoir, the 24-35 well encountered 80ft of potential pay in the Chanac formation above the Santa Margarita oil reservoir based on mud log oil shows, log analysis and offset production.

The company will complete this well as a Santa Margarita producer and then develop a plan for future development of the Chanac reservoir.

NiMin is a US-based oil and gas exploitation and production firm with principal operations in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming, the San Joaquin Basin of California and South Louisiana onshore areas of the US.