The 22-day program was conducted by CGG Services SA using Binh Minh 2 vessel.

The Block SS-11, majority of which lies in shallow waters of up to 200m, covers an area of 4,475 sq km in the Bay of Bengal over the Bengal Fan.

KrisEnergy director exploration and production Chris Gibson-Robinson said: "The existing 2D data sets were acquired in the mid-1970s and this program will provide higher resolution data to confirm existing prospects and leads and assess the overall prospectivity of the block.

"It will also help us determine potential locations for a planned 3D seismic program, to which we are committed under the work program obligations."

Santos Sangu Field operates the Block SS-11 with 45% stake while KrisEnergy (Asia), a wholly owned subsidiary of the KrisEnergy group of companies, holds 45% equity and Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production owns 10% working interest.