The well is currently producing at a stable rate of about 650 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from perforations in the T4 Triassic reservoir at depths from 1,282m to 1,288m.

The company has restricted the current production rate to 650bopd while it monitors the level of gas production from the well.

Max Petroleum has also perforated the ZMA-ET2 appraisal well, flowing 48 degree API oil at an equivalent rate of about 450bopd from perforations in the T5 Triassic reservoir from depths of 1,315m to 1,321m during a limited flow-back period.

This well, which is expected to produce at a stabilised rate of about 500bopd, will be connected to temporary production facilities and brought onto long-term production testing in August 2011, the company said.