It claims that the plant has a capacity to produce of a crushed ore size of 20millimeter at a rate of 80tons per hour-100tons per hour from raw manganese ore at a feed size of 300 millimeter.

The three-stage modular plant comprises a mobile jaw crusher to be used on site to reduce the size of ore extracted, besides a secondary jaw crusher and cone crusher.

The company is planning to install the third component at its railing siding near Serenje, Zambia by end of second quarter of 2013.

After the initial crushing at Mansa project, the ore will be transported to the rail siding for further crushing and processing before railing it to the port.

Meanwhile, Kaboko has commenced the mine development at Mansa project, completing the infrastructure construction besides installing the local access bridge damaged during the wet season.

It also anticipates the completion of scoping study by the second quarter of fiscal, following which it plans to undertake further exploration program to drill 24 holes targeting extension of the existing mineralization zone.