As reported, JBIC is likely to sign the agreements for the Paiton 3 expansion coal-fired project and the Cirebon power plant.

The Paiton 3 expansion project includes a single 815MW super-critical coal-fired power unit, and is expected to start operations in 2012. The Cirebon power plant is likely to generate 660MW of power and is expected to be operational in 2011. Both the plants are located in Java island.

Takanori Satake, chief representative of JBIC operations in Indonesia, told Reuters: “We are likely to sign the loan agreement this year. We want it as soon as possible.”

The Japanese public financial institution is now focusing on projects in the power and natural resources sectors.

As part of its effort to ensure adequate power supply to meet the requirement, Indonesia is now taking steps to increase electricity supplies through a crash programme led by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the country’s state electricity company.