The wind farm will feature a customised Vestas solution, utilising special towers and the 4 MW platform’s market-leading flexibility to meet local tip-height restrictions while ensuring optimal energy production under the site’s high-wind conditions.

Located in Conwy and Denbighshire in North- Wales, the project consists of V105-3.45 MW turbines that are designed for the most severe wind conditions and particularly well-suited for markets with tip-height restrictions and high grid requirements, such as the UK and Ireland. The order follows another V105-3.45 MW order in Ireland earlier this year.

Tanya Davies, Head of Business Development UK for Innogy said, “I’m thrilled that we have placed an order with Vestas, using their V105-3.45 MW turbines and building out the full 96MW of our consent. Clocaenog Forest is a fantastic location for a wind farm and the average annual generation expected at the site could be equivalent to the approximate domestic needs of around 63,800 average UK households . The Clocaenog Forest wind farm will be moving towards construction in the spring”.

Klaus Steen Mortensen, President of Vestas Northern Europe, adds: “Clocaenog proves Vestas’ capability to provide innovative technology and customised solutions that meet customers’ specific needs and optimise their business case. The order cements our 4-MW platform’s flexibility and underline our strong competitive position in markets characterised by tip height restrictions.”

The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. Delivery of the wind turbines is expected by the first quarter of 2019.