“Our organizations represent thousands of leading renewable energy companies in the United States who have invested billions of dollars in the country’s growing clean energy economy,” the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) wrote in the letter to Gov. Sandoval. “We stress that your signature on raising the standard will affirm the state’s position as a national clean energy leader.”

Nevada’s existing RPS target calls for 25 percent renewable energy by 2025. Increasing the target consistent with AB206 would attract over $3 billion in additional investment to Nevada. Fostering greater energy diversity in the state will also create consumer savings and boost reliability.

The letter goes on to highlight the benefits clean energy already brings to Nevada:

“In 2014 our organizations joined you and other leaders, as well as bringing our annual conferences and trade shows to Las Vegas that year, to celebrate the multiple economic successes that renewable energy development has brought to Nevada – including well over $5.5 billion in new investment and more than 20,000 Nevada jobs associated with clean energy.”

“Solar, geothermal, and wind power offer low-cost, fixed-rate pricing that protects consumers from fluctuations in the fossil fuel markets. Large in-state energy users such as Apple, Patagonia, Walmart, Switch, and the Mandalay Bay Resort and Convention Center recognize those benefits, and have all made large renewable power purchases in recent years. Nevada can continue to attract similar growing, forward-thinking companies by updating its RPS.”