The seven lease grounds purchased by the Company provide access necessary for the 3,000 foot roadway into the Company’s U.P. and Burlington properties, as well as the mineral rights to potential mining targets.

Exploration of the area indicates possible vein structures similar to those existing on the Company’s U.P. and Burlington patented mining claims and may present potential targets of further development.

Access and improved road permits necessary for bulk sampling had been awarded to the Company by the U.S. Forest Service based on the lease agreement between the previous lease holder and the Company. The purchase of the lease grounds ensures the Company uninterrupted access to its U.P. and Burlington patented mining claims.

The Company intends to commence an extensive resource delineation / confirmation program upon snow melt beginning of Summer 2014.

The Company is seeking to expand the Company’s current NI 43-101 Technical Analysis to a full Reserve Confirmation.

This program will consist of further bulk sampling, geological mapping (underground and surface), rehabilitation of the historical workings, a drilling program and testing of newly identified targets.

Historical reports as well as numerous recent assay results indicate ore grades potentially exceeding 0.5 oz/ton Gold (Au) and recoverable amounts of Silver (Ag) are also contained in the exposed veins. If favorable results are returned from this program, the Company would then direct its efforts to the completion of a small underground mine plan in 2015.