TanQuid ‘s terminal, with 24 tanks and a total capacity of 136,550 m3, went live with OpenTAS 5.0 in the second quarter.

Implico said the version 5.0 of the terminal management and terminal automation system includes customized applications which will enable efficient biofuel blending processes, loading processes and informative reports for the Radzionkow terminal.

The migration will allow Implico optimize the terminal operations processes of TanQuid Polska, part of the TanQuid Group that was achieved after the consulting and software company first generated a new data structure.

For biofuel blending at the Radzionkow terminal, Implico stated that a customized solution was developed for the site and the necessary biofuel bookkeeping functions were integrated into the new release of OpenTAS.

Polish law requires physical proof of the biofuel content, and the bill of lading must be accompanied by dynamic biofuel certificates.

Enhancements in the OpenTAS 5.0 include simplified terminal object management, interface monitoring and optimized automation including support for 64-bit operating systems and a user-friendly interface.