Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, and Juan José Aranguren, Argentina’s Minister of Energy and Mines, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to this effect after meeting today during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue.

“We are delighted to formalize our bilateral cooperation with Argentina, which is undertaking impressive domestic energy reforms and assuming the G20 presidency in 2018, thereby raising its profile in global energy governance”, said Dr Birol.

Minister Aranguren said, “Argentina is fully committed to transform its energy sector. Increase our cooperation with the IEA was a desired goal of our administration in order to enhance our energy statistical system and continue our engagement with the OECD.”

The memorandum covers cooperation on G20-related energy issues, statistics webinars, cooperation on disseminating energy data collection standards and methodologies, as well as training and capacity building for Argentinian officials.

This step follows closer cooperation over the past year, and as Argentina hosted the 4th IEA Unconventional Gas Forum in Buenos Aires in April 2016, as well as participation of high-level officials in the IEA Energy Statistics Training event in October 2016.