<p>The two farms currently being constructed are the Courcelles wind farm located in Aude and the Laneuville wind farm located in the same province. The Courcelles facility will have a total generation capacity of 11.5MW, while the Laneuville farm will have 10MW of generation capacity. <br /><br />Iberdrola has revealed that the other four installations will be Boulay Nord and Boulay Sud in the Moselle district and the Stenay facility in the Meuse district, each of which will have a total capacity of 10MW, as well as the Amelecourt farm in the Moselle district, which will have a total capacity of 11.5MW.<br /><br />Iberdrola commented that the planned facilities will add to the five wind farms that the company already operates in France. These farms have a total capacity of 43.4MW. Iberdrola said that the majority of these projects, which are managed through its Iberdrola Energies Renouvelables subsidiary, are the result of the company&#0039;s 2006 purchase of Perfect Wind, which has a pipeline totaling 600MW.<br /><br />In a press release, Iberdrola said that the company&#0039;s plans in France are framed within its international expansion in the renewable energies area. In total, the company has 440MW of wind generation capacity outside of Spain, distributed among Greece, Brazil, France, Portugal, Poland, the US and Germany.</p>