Owned by Iberdrola Renewables, the Manzana facility is currently under construction in Kern County, and will provide up to 189MW of wind energy.

The project includes 126 GE SLE 1.5MW wind turbines, a 34.5kV collector system, an operations and maintenance building, a new collector substation and a 220kV five-mile gen-tie line to interconnect the project to the new Whirlwind 220kV substation that is being constructed by Southern California Edison.

The facility is expected to commence commercial operations in the fourth quarter of this year.

Under the PPA, Iberdrola Renewables will provide 50MW of wind energy to SVP beginning upon the commercial operation of the facility.

The 50MW purchase is estimated to provide clean, renewable electricity to about 20,000 typical Santa Clara homes.

Construction on the wind project is being managed by Blattner Energy.