The approval for the portion of the project on federal lands, making it the first approval of five California priority wind energy projects proposed for public lands.

Iberdrola Renewables business developer Harley McDonald said the Department of the Interior worked closely with the state of California to effectively execute the environmental review process for Tule wind farm and other priority projects to bring jobs and revenue to these communities.

The Tule Wind Power Project, an up to 200MW wind energy facility, is proposed for the McCain Valley in Eastern San Diego County.

The federal lands portion of the project approved by the Department of Interior today will generate up to 186MW.

The federal agency’s approval of Tule is the first of several needed to bring this important source of clean energy to San Diego.

The project is located within four jurisdictions and will need additional approvals from the California Public Utilities Commission, Bureau of Indian Affairs, California State Lands Commission and County of San Diego.