CNPC will also evaluate the installation of a demonstration-scale UOP LLC (UOP)/Eni Ecofining process unit for the production of green diesel fuel, as well as a larger-scale unit at an existing or new CNPC refinery site.

The companies will also collaborate on the design of an Ecofining unit able to produce both green diesel as well as renewable jet fuel from Chinese biofeedstocks, and assess opportunities for raising the energy efficiency of existing and new ethanol plants in China with the use ethanol of membrane technology.

The initiatives will enable CNPC to meet the renewable energy targets set forth by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China and are aligned with a strategic understanding reached by NDRC and the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2007 to promote industrial energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.

“This collaboration will advance the development of viable renewable fuels for the transport sector in China,” UOP’s Renewable Energy and Chemicals General Manager Jennifer Holmgren said. “Collaboration between governments and private industry is necessary to enable a sustainable biofuels future. We are honored to work with CNPC to support this initiative, and congratulate all of the organizations involved for their commitment to a reduced carbon footprint.”

“As a global Fortune 500 business and a responsible corporation, CNPC has long term commitment in emerging energy technologies and made positive progress,” Jie Hu, chief engineer of refining & chemicals for CNPC’s PetroChina Company Ltd, said. “Under the strategic agreement framework between China and the U.S. to promote clean energy technology, our collaboration with

UOP to promote advanced biofuel technology will enable the low carbon emission and green economy development in China.”

The Ecofining process uses catalytic hydroprocessing technology to convert natural oils to a green diesel fuel. The product, a direct substitute for diesel fuel, features a high cetane value (the measure of the combustion quality of diesel) of about 80. Compared to diesel found at the pump today, which ranges from 40 to 60 cetane, green diesel offers value as a blending stock for refiners seeking to enhance existing diesel fuels and expand the diesel pool.