The other high grade uranium assays are MWNE-10-602A: 6.29 % U3O8 over 5mt, starting at 260.5mt depth; MWNE-10-604A: 9.15 % U3O8 over 8mt, starting at 289mt depth; MWNE-10-608: 5.34 % U3O8 over 15.5mt, starting at 293.5mt depth; MWNE-10-609: 3.65 % U3O8 over 25.5mt, starting at 294.5mt depth; MWNE-10-612: 11.75 % U3O8 over 19mt, starting at 311mt depth; and MWNE-10-613: 1.25 % U3O8 over 16 mt, starting at 293mt depth.

The fence with drill holes 10-610 to 10-615 also contained drill hole 10-607 that intersected 81.5mt of 1.6 % U3O8, including 13.5mt of 6.1 % U3O8. This fence, Fence 25W, is located 25mt to the west of the Roughrider East discovery drill hole, 09-170, which intersected 28mt of 12.8 % U3O8.

Geochemical data has yet to be received for one other hole on the Fence 25W, drill hole MWNE-10-615, which contained 23mt of anomalous radioactivity within an 81mt zone of continuously altered rock.

Assays have yet to be received for 61 of the 77 holes completed during the 2010 winter program. Planning for the upcoming summer drill season will be finalized once all data are received and interpreted.

Terra Ventures owns a 10% interest, carried until a decision is made to go to production, in the Midwest NorthEast property.