Rather than homeowners having to purchase solar systems up front, SunRun will purchase the systems for them, which are designed and installed by groSolar. For an initial cost of $1000, homeowners will then pay a low fixed monthly rate for the electricity the panels produce. Their electric rates will never rise during the term of the financing program, and the insurance, repair and maintenance of the systems are covered in full, making the shift to solar virtually risk-free for consumers. The program also incorporates existing tax rebates and solar incentives directly into a streamlined application process, so that consumers don’t have to apply separately for public rebates for solar installation.

“It’s never been easier for homeowners to join the green grid and gain energy independence in Massachusetts. The SunRun program makes solar more accessible and affordable than ever,” said groSolar Chief Executive Officer Jeff Wolfe. “It’s a huge win for both homeowners and the planet, and groSolar is ready to bring solar power to as many Massachusetts homes as possible.”

“With this program, people no longer have to choose between investing in clean energy and doing other renovations in their homes. Now they can do both,” says Wolfe. “People are always surprised to find how simple a solar install really is. Getting new windows in your house, for example, is far more disruptive and complicated than installing solar – and the savings continue indefinitely.”

This is the first time that the SunRun program is available to homeowners on the east coast. We are excited to partner with groSolar to make solar more affordable to Massachusetts homeowners said Lynn Jurich, president of SunRun. We chose to partner with groSolar in Massachusetts because they are one of the most established and most trusted and high quality solar installers in the nation.”

“On behalf of the Patrick Administration, I congratulate groSolar on its exciting partnership with SunRun,” said U.S. Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Philip Giudice. “This new venture will expand employment opportunities in Massachusetts’s growing solar energy industry, while spurring investment our clean energy economy.”