The GreenWave Reality platform allows utilities to better balance energy on the grid and also enhances their relationship with consumers by providing them with ways to conserve energy.

Led by the Spanish utility Endesa, the Malaga SmartCity initiative has been launched to introduce a new urban energy management model in a bid for improving energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and shift consumption to renewable energies.

The project will involve 11 companies and 14 research centres and is expected to benefit 300 industrial, 900 commercial and 12,000 household customers over a four-year period.

The company is an official technology partner of the project and will provide a platform focused on energy management for residential customers.

The GreenWave Reality standards-based platform creates a home area network comprised of smart PowerNodes, an in-home display, and connected LED lights along with an intuitive and engaging consumer application.

At the heart of the GreenWave Reality solution is the Gateway that automatically and securely connects to the Smart Meter, providing an overall view of the home’s total energy use.

In addition, the Gateway also connects to the PowerNodes and LED lights, making the devices smart, energy conscious, and controllable from within the home or remotely via the internet or a smartphone.