Gama Energy, based in Ankara, is developing and investing in the projects while TSKB, industrial development bank of Turkey, is arranging and leading EUR44m in debt financing. GE Energy is supplying 13 turbines and will operate and maintain them under a services agreement.

According to Gama Energy’s estimates, the wind farms are expected to generate enough electricity to power approximately 59,000 average Turkish homes and avoid approximately 80,000 tons a year in greenhouse gas emissions. The projects’ power will be sold to the merchant market or will benefit from the Turkish regulated feed-in tariff.

Construction of the Sares wind farm begins next week and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Construction of the Karadag project is planned to begin later this year, with completion during the first quarter of 2011.

M Ozozan, managing director and board member of Gama Energy, said: “Such wind projects as the ones we are launching today not only support a cleaner environment but create employment opportunities, support our company’s growth objectives and help Turkey achieve its renewable energy goals.”

The wind projects are in line with Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources’ aim to generate 20% of its electricity production from renewable resources by 2020. In wind energy, the country has developed just 600MW of an estimated potential 88GW.