Wind Turbines

The €70m plant, which will feature 14 Enercon wind turbines with a maximum hub height of 80m and a maximum blade diameter of 90m, will generate enough renewable power to power around 24,000 homes.

Preliminary work on the plant was started during late 2013 with the full operation of the wind farm is expected by mid-2014.

Gaelectric Northern Ireland commercial manager Patrick McClughan said boosted with the latest plant addition to its growing portfolio of renewable energy projects in Northern Ireland, the company will move forward with its plans to invest €730m in renewable energy generation and energy storage over the next three years.

In addition, the company had already presented the proposal to the local communities through a consultation program, and will create a locally administered community fund of €1.2m to help develop community projects in the area, McClughan said.

Having raised €194m in funding across its portfolio in 2013, the company will continue to do the same to back its project development program.

"Dunbeg will not only provide a significant boost to Northern Ireland’s renewable energy capacity, it will also generate jobs, support increased workforce skills and provide economic activity in the area," added McClughan.

Image:The Dunbeg wind farm will feature 14 Enercon wind turbines. Photo: courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.