The CCP is a partnership of seven of the world’s major energy companies including BP, Chevron, Eni, Petrobras, Shell, Suncor, ConocoPhillips and associate member EPRI.

Foster Wheeler will study the application of CO2 post-combustion capture to a range of refinery, in-situ extraction of bitumen and natural gas power generation CO2 capture scenarios, including both retrofit and green-field solutions.

The study is expected to be completed at the end of the fourth quarter of 2010 with the production of a ‘CO2 Capture Handbook’ to be used by the CCP participants for their use in pre-screening work on carbon capture projects.

The CCP is now in the third phase of its work (CCP3), which is a critical stage in preparing the ground for widespread deployment of CCS.

The study awarded to Foster Wheeler will contribute to this phase of the CCP’s program.