The program involved 2,911m in 13 holes on five separate targets, and has showed positive results at three exploration targets – Otis West, Zone A and Maurice Bay East.

At Otis West, the drilling extended the mineralized length to 70m from 50m and remains open to the east.

Hole NWA-73 intersected around 30m of anomalous values with a peak of 1,400cps and the down-hole search further identified radioactivity of up to 11,500cps in a radioactive zone over 1.5m. Hole NWA-74 returned 70m of anomalous with a peak of 4,500cps, while the hole NWA-75 tested the interpreted down-dip extension of NWA-74 as well as intersected the fault zone with weakly elevated radio metrics over a 70m interval.

In the Zone A area, three holes were drilled testing the interpreted south and north strike extensions of uranium mineralization encountered last year. The NWA-79 hole drilled in the Maurice Bay East target intersected chloritized and quartz dissolved sandstones with weakly elevated radio metrics with a peak of 250cps at 113.5m and in the basement lithologies at 159.5 to 162m.

Drilling on the Otis East gravity target intersected no significant uranium mineralization.