The assay results from fourteen vertical step out holes include 14.5m grading 7.84% U3O8, including 2.0m of 46.15% U3O8, in hole WAT11-131.

The company said that drilling has now expanded mineralization further to the west, connecting the J Zone to the Highland Zone, and extended the east-west mineralized strike length of the J Zone by 95% since drilling resumed in January.

The other assays include hole WAT11-127, which returned 12.0m grading 4.41% U308, including 3.5m grading 10.91% U308.

The drilling program is progressing at the J Zone, which remains open in all directions, with winter drilling due to be completed in early April.

The Waterbury Lake project is under a limited partnership, 50/50 split between Fission Energy and the Korea Waterbury Uranium, which is comprised of a consortium of Korean-based companies and led by Korea Electric Power (KEPCO).