During the outage, which began on 24 September, 65 of the plant’s 157 fuel assemblies were exchanged and numerous inspections were performed.

In addition, maintenance and improvement projects were also completed during the outage to ensure continued safe and reliable operations, including replacement of the unit’s two low pressure turbines.

The new 153t turbine rotors feature an enhanced blade design that would increase plant efficiency.

Currently, the 904MW plant is operating at 23% power and is expected to reach full power this week.

Prior to the outage, the unit 2 operated for 532 consecutive days and generated over 12 million MWh of electricity since the completion of its last refueling in April 2011.

FirstEnergy’s subsidiary also operates two power plants in the state of Ohio – the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry and the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor.