Finnish nuclear developer Fennovoima delivered an environmental impact assessment report for a proposed single VVER-1200 reactor reactor for Hanhikivi 1, in Pyhäjoki, northern Finland, on 13 February. The deadline was strategically-important to continue progress on the nuclear new-build project.
The proposed reactor technology choice is different (and smaller) than the 1500-2500 MWe plant originally proposed in a 2008 environmental impact assessment. Then, it was considering one or two units of a 1600 MWe Toshiba ABWR or 1700 MWe AREVA EPR, but the scale of the project changed after the exit of Fennovoima partner and investor E.ON a year ago.
The Finnish government’s Ministry of Employment and Economy (MEE) will use the EIA to assess whether the decision-in-principle it had granted to the project in 2010 still applies, it said in a statement. MEE said that the EIA report will be used in government consultations, and a public hearing will also be convened. It said that the authority will make a statement on the EIA in June 2014. It also said that the municipality of Pyhäjoki will take a stand on the project in a few months’ time.
The report says that the site would also include an interim waste store and a facility for treatment, storage and final dispsla of low and intermediate-level operating waste. Arrangements for spent fuel final disposal, plant decommissioning, and for grid connection will be handled by other future EIAs.
The report said that the AES-2006 reactor would generate 3200 MWt, or between 1100-1300 MWe — so an approximate efficiency of 37%. This reactor would produce 9 TWh per year from 20-30t of UO2 per year. It would consume 40-45m3/sec of cooling water in a once-through arrangement, and displace 2000 MW thermal power into the water. According to the plan, the cooling water will be taken from the harbor basin located on the western shore of the Hanhikivi headland using an onshore intake system and discharged at the northern part of the headland. The temperature of the water will rise by 10-12 °C in the process.
The full report is available on: