The optocouplers integrated circuits and light emitting diode (LED) are assembled on a coplanar process, rather than a face-to-face or over-under process, helping to reduce package capacitance between input and output and improving noise immunity. It features 25kV/µs at 1,500Vcm dynamic Common Mode Transient Immunity (CMTI) rating under high-speed optocoupler switching and 40kV/µs at 1,000Vcm static CMTI, making it more resilient to noise.

Its exceptionally high bandwidth (25Mbps) and tight pulse width distortion (6 nanoseconds) achieves the industry standard for field bus communications in automation technology such as Profibus, DeviceNet, CAN, Modbus, Interbus and many other standards. Its wide supply voltage range from 3V to 5.5V enables easy interfacing with low voltage devices, reducing overall system power. The FOD8001 also supports wide temperature range of -40ºC to +105ºC, which is important in industrial environments.

Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc. is a US-based manufacturer of power analog, power discrete and certain non-power semiconductor solutions.