ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing Company will supply natural gas to a new liquefaction plant at Prudhoe Bay to be built and owned by Polar LNG, an affiliate of Fairbanks Natural Gas (FNG).

FNG will truck the liquefied natural gas (LNG) nearly 500 miles from the North Slope to its Fairbanks distribution system. FNG owns and operates two LNG storage and regasification facilities in Fairbanks, Alaska.

The supply contract calls for FNG to receive up to 10 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year for a 10-year period beginning in mid-2009 when the necessary facilities are expected to be completed. The contract also allows for annual renewal after the initial 10 years.

Craig Haymes, ExxonMobil’s Alaska production manager, said: We are pleased to be able to provide a reliable supply of natural gas to Fairbanks from the North Slope. We continue to look for viable projects to demonstrate ExxonMobil’s commitment to commercializing North Slope gas.