In their economic analyses on the options for a decarbonised power sector in Europe by 2050, McKinsey and the European Climate Foundation has confirmed the technical, economic and security based feasibility of 40, 60, 80 as well as 100% renewable electricity scenarios in Europe by 2050.

PricewaterhouseCoopers has done a similar study that shows the complete shift towards 100% renewable electricity in Europe, which is economically and technically feasible while keeping the lights on. The RGI accepts the analysis provided by both studies.

RGI confirms the technical possibility of building a power system largely relying on renewable sources while maintaining system stability, provided the necessary grid developments can be performed in due time.

According to RGI, the electricity sector has to change if the European renewable energy targets are to be met – almost doubling of renewable electricity to about 35% between now and 2020. This transformation will induce considerable challenges for transmission system operators (TSOs) and investors in the current regulatory situation.

The RGI promotes the expansion of distributed and renewable energy generation and transmission capacity in Europe. Thousands of kilometres of new transmission lines and cables will need to be built in the coming decades. This will only be possible in the presence of supportive regulatory frameworks, RGI said.

To reach this target, the initiative brings together non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including WWF and Germanwatch and TSOs including 50Hertz, Elia, National Grid, RTE, Swissgrid, and TenneT. The grid infrastructure of the participating TSOs in the RGI provides the backbone of the existing power supply to some 240 million people in Europe, about half its population.