The funding comes from Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European support programme for trans-European infrastructure.

As part of the funding, €578m will be offered for the construction of Biscay Gulf France-Spain interconnection, which is expected to help in integrating the Iberian Peninsula into the internal electricity market.

The link is anticipated to double the interconnection capacity between the countries from 2.8GW to 5GW. It will also enable Spain to reach close to 10% of interconnection target from the present 6%.

The second project to receive funding is the Sued Ostlnk, which is one of Germany’s largest energy infrastructure projects. The project will receive €70m to begin construction. It will include 580km of high voltage cables laid fully underground.

The power line is expected to create a much needed link between wind power generated in the north and the consumption centres in the south of Germany.

A €27m grant will also be provided for the construction of a new 400kV internal power line between Cernavoda and Stalpu (RO). This line is expected to contribute to the increase of interconnection capacity between Romania and Bulgaria and help integrate wind power from the Black Sea coast.

European Commission energy union vice-president Maroš Šefcovic said: "Once more we demonstrate that cooperation and solidarity pays off and that the Energy Union is becoming a reality with tangible impact on the ground.

“These are important projects with major cross-border benefits and by implementing them we strengthen energy resilience of EU Member States. The Connecting Europe Facility has yet again shown tremendous added value in the modernisation of the European economy."

Image: European Commission to invest €675m in interconnector projects. Photo: Courtesy of Petr Kovar/