ESP Petrochemicals will provide chemical treatment technology, certified staff (technicians, engineers and field supervisors), chemical treatment technology, chemical mixing, pumping and delivery equipment, and laboratory analytical services.

McFreeport will monitor state and federal sites for applications and uses of the joint venture’s supply and service capabilities. The company also maintains 8a certification, and provides services and expertise in the fields of soil remediation, oil spill cleanup and in-situ operations.

ESP Petrochemicals will assist McFreeport in the procurement of business opportunities within companies like Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips.

David Dugas, president of ESP Resources, said: “The joint venture between McFreeport Corporation and ESP will be of mutual benefit to each company. The establishment of our joint venture is timely considering the growing environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

“We plan an aggressive expansion by seeking opportunities for our products and services within federal, state and local government environments for the remainder of 2010 and 2011.”