These sensors, which are highly sensitive to combustion gases such as CO and NOx, can detect parts per million levels of CO and NOx and may be used to meet emissions monitoring regulations, including the impending on-board diagnostics regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency through improved combustion control.

EPS holds the exclusive license to develop and market these solid-state sensors that can be readily combined on a single chip to provide multifunctional sensors. Eric Wachsman, director of energy research center at University of Maryland, will lead the research project.

The signing of the SRA with the University of Maryland complements EPS’ commitment to develop new products that reduce emissions and maintenance of diesel and gasoline engines by improving fuel economy.

EPS chairman Erik Ulsteen said that that company believes that this novel technology for controlling and measuring emissions can be a disruptive, breakthrough product in the marketplace.

“We are very enthusiastic about working with Dr. Wachsman’s team at the University of Maryland and delivering prototypes to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the near term,” Ulsteen said.