Environmentalists stated that the Obama administration is seeking to undo certain loopholes established by the EPA during the Bush administration.

Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, Earthjustice and attorney general for New Jersey appealed to the EPA to review the regulations.

An energy expert at the Center for American Progress, Dan Weiss, said “These new rules will undo some of the Bush administration’s plans to undermine the new source review program so that old coal-fired power plants could evade stricter pollution controls when extending the life of the plant.”

The EPA stated that it was reviewing the rules to ensure the public has an opportunity to reconsider any recent modifications that would impact the new source review program. The program necessitates power stations and other industrial factories to erect pollution-fighting machinery when increasing output or renovating facilities.

EPA asserted it will soon issue a notice in the Federal Register on modifying certain parts of each of the three rules.