The Nevada’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) received $11.75m to improve drinking water infrastructure.

The Clean Water SRF received $6.47m for water quality infrastructure improvement projects in the state.

The Nevada’s Drinking Water SRF projects include groundwater and surface water treatment systems, transmission and distribution systems, water storage, and water metering.

The Clean Water SRF projects include upgrades and repairs of wastewater treatment facilities and sewer lines, and conversion of septic systems to sewer systems.

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) will use $1.37m to take up improvements to water quality through programs to reduce non-point source pollution, which is caused when stormwater runoff carries pollutants into water bodies and wetlands.

In 2016, the Drinking Water SRF provided $15m to Las Vegas Valley Water District to fund the replacement of aging pipeline and related improvements needed to maintain a safe and reliable water supply for southern Nevada. The projects were part of a $50m, three-year plan funded through the Nevada’s SRF program.

The Pacific Southwest Region of EPA administers and enforces federal environmental laws in Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and 148 tribal nations. The region is home to over 50 million people.

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said: “Investing in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure helps communities provide clean, safe drinking water and proper wastewater treatment. Water resources are vital for public health and Nevada’s economy.”