By the end of this year, E.ON Hanse plans to inject about 1,700 cubic meters of biogas per hour into its networks in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The volume of biomethane fed in allows over 8,000 homes to be supplied with gas annually.

Direct injection of biogas into natural gas networks enables the utilities to incorporate renewable energy sources.

E.ON said with the aid of this technology, the biogas can be transported for use elsewhere at a later date.

In Hamburg, 350 cubic meters of biomethane coming from Germany’s first sewage gas treatment plant will be fed into the network every hour.

At Gut Wotersen in Schleswig-Holstein, another 350 cubic meters of biogas will be available at the first biogas feed-in point in Schleswig-Holstein.

A 700 cubic meters plant is planned in Karft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and another 350 cubic meters are to be supplied in Tangstedt/Bützberg near Hamburg.