Wind Turbines

Located near Carsphairn in Dumfries and Galloway, 15km South of Dalmellington, the turbines feature up to 19 turbines with a total capacity of 57MW, which is enough to power around 36,800 homes.

The company had consulted local community councils from the surrounding areas and local residents to present its plans and sought opinion and feedback on the proposal during the consultation process.

Having taken into account the feedback and number of environmental studies, the company has designed the wind farm to help ensure that it will have minimal impact on the local landscape and wildlife.

The company will offer a community benefit fund, giving up to £285,000 a year to local community groups and projects, should the wind power project receives approval from the government.

E.ON project developer Nick Taylor said, "We’re grateful for the interest and patience the local community has shown in this project.

"Having considered their feedback and taken on board their views, we’ve made some changes to improve our proposal that will reduce the impact on the local community.

"In particular we have worked hard to minimise the visual impact of the project on the surrounding area."

Image: Quantans Hill wind farm will have a total capacity of 57MW. Photo: courtesy of freedigitalphotos.