Enterprise has secured approvals and permits from the regulatory authorities to begin construction of the new fractionation facility which will accommodate liquids-rich natural gas produced from the Eagle Ford shale basin in South Texas.

The company will have the capability to fractionate more than 450,000 BPD of NGLs and the partnership’s net fractionation capacity is expected to increase to more than 780,000 BPD.

Enterprise executive vice president and COO A.J. Jim Teague said our fifth Mont Belvieu fractionator, which is currently under construction and scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2011, the sixth unit is expected to be fully contracted when it is into operations.

"The additional capacity at Mont Belvieu will give us the capability to handle approximately 75,000 BPD of mixed NGLs which are currently being diverted to Louisiana for fractionating, as well as an additional 30,000 BPD of y-grade from the Phase II expansion of our Yoakum processing facility in Lavaca County, Texas," added Teague.

Construction of the fractionator facility is expected to commence operations in early 2013.