The unit 2 of the nuclear plant was shut down automatically after a 550t generator stator fell, while it was being moved out of the turbine building, a non-nuclear area of the plant.

Entergy owned and operated Arkansas Nuclear plant has two units of which Unit 1 has a capacity of 846MW and unit 2 has 930MW capacity.

Unit 1 generator stator at the plant was being moved for replacement, and a new stator scheduled for installation is already staged at an offsite location.

Moving the generator stator was associated with Unit 1 refueling outage, which began on 24 March 2013.

Arkansas Nuclear One site vice president Jeremy Browning said the company will restore both the units of the nuclear station back to full power operations.

"We have augmented our team with both corporate staff and outside experts for the methodical process of inspection and assessment to ensure we fully understand what happened over the weekend, and that our restart is conducted safely," Browning added.

The company will examine Unit 1 for damage, repair estimates and rescheduling the unit’s refueling activities.

Unit 1 is receiving power from diesel generators and work is under way to restore off site power over the coming days, and Unit 2 is receiving off site power, while both the units remain in a stable shutdown condition.