The protocol marks the start of the one-year experimental period of joint reconciliation, among residential gas users in the Veneto region of Italy. The introduction of the reconciliation procedure throughout the rest of Italy will be possible on completion of the test period.

The Eni-consumer associations’ reconciliation procedure will be operational from January 2009 and may be invoked after the presentation of a written complaint; it will be available for users through the consumer associations by compiling an online form.

The reconciliation procedure will be used to resolve customer requests for a breakdown of their consumption for disputed bills, following the total or partial block of their meter or for illegible meters.

The procedure will also cover installment payment requests for unusual bills compared with the average amounts charged to the client in the previous two years, following recoveries for rate adjustments in excess of the amounts approved by the electricity and gas authority, AEEG. Additionally, the procedure will be used to handle questions relating to supply interruptions due to non-payment of bills, said Eni.