During the drilling of Vandumbu 1 well situated about 150km from the coast, Eni made the discovery. The well was drilled at water depths of 976m and reached a total depth of 4,107m.

Sidetrack drilling from the well was commenced and the Vandumbu 1 ST well reached a depth of 3,480m, intersecting a net oil pay of 114m contained in Lower Miocene high quality sand.

Eni expects that the Vandumbu 1 ST well will have a production capacity of more than 5,000 barrel of oil per day.

The oil discovery is Eni’s ninth finding in the block and with this it has increased the resource base of the West Hub project.

Eni is operator of the block with 35% interest, whereas the other partners are SSI Fifteen with 25% interest, Sonangol owns 15%, Total has 15%, Falcon Oil Holding Angola and Statoil Angola Block 15/06, each own 5% interest.