These new pipelines boost the partnership’s transportation capacity out of the Barnett Shale producing region to more than 3.5 billion cubic feet per day.

The 135-mile Paris Loop pipeline originates near the Eagle Mountain Lake in northwest Tarrant County, Texas and connects to the partnership’s Houston Pipe Line system near Paris, Texas. It immediately provides customers with more than 400 million cubic feet (MCFD) per day of much needed capacity out of the Barnett Shale and is expected to accommodate 900MCFD by the end of the first quarter of 2009.

The 36-inch Maypearl-to-Malone pipeline extends from the partnership’s systems near Maypearl, Texas to its 42-inch pipeline near Malone, Texas. The expansion links an additional 600MCFD of capacity out of the Barnett Shale to major markets currently accessed by its extensive pipeline network, said Energy Transfer.

The completion of the Paris Loop and Maypearl-to-Malone natural gas pipelines is an integral part of the partnership’s overall expansion efforts. The partnership plans to bring online more than 700 miles of natural gas pipelines in 2008, with more than 500 miles of pipeline expected to be completed in Texas alone.