Particularly, they have already driven 1,519 of planned 1,684 piles at the construction site of the cooling towers of the unit 1. “Shortly we are panning to complete one more important stage: to build the piling foundation of the cooling towers of the 1st unit,” said Andrey Garusov deputy director of Energoatom-directorate for the construction of Leningrad NPP-2.

In his turn, the representative of the general contractor, Director of the branch of St.Petersburg Atomenergoproekt, SPbAEP-Engineering, Sergey Yegorov said that the contractors were complying with the schedule. “The experience we have acquired at the 1st unit helps us to work better at the 2nd one,” Yegorov said.

920 people, over 100 vehicles and 110 special devices are involved in the construction of Leningrad NPP-2 for the moment.