Enel has rejoined the World Association of Nuclear Operators, allowing the Italian company access to information and services to help ensure the safe running of its Slovenske Elektrarne subsidiary.

Enel was previously a member of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) until 1999, when the operation of Italy’s nuclear power plants was transferred to Sogin, the public entity responsible for handling their decommissioning. Now, however, following its acquisition of Slovenske Elektrarne, Enel has rejoined the association, which offers its members up-to-date global experience and knowledge on the safe operation of nuclear power plants.

Enel now operates nuclear power plants in the Slovak Republic through its Slovenske Elektrarne subsidiary, which has been a WANO member since its establishment.

WANO membership gives Enel access to the experience and knowledge of all the association’s members and to a broad range of services, including peer reviews of plant systems and management, operating experience feedback and safety recommendations, technical support, and a professional and technical development program for management and operators.