The energy supply, at a price of 128 US dollars/MWh, will start during December 2013 and terminate in 2024. Such supply will be secured by an already operating plant and, later on, by three new plants, two solar PVs and one wind farm, that will boast a total installed capacity of 161 MW and will be located in Chile’s Central Region Transmission Network (SIC, from its Spanish acronym).
The new plants will be constructed and enter service by the first half of 2015.

The construction of the three plants requires an overall investments of 320 million US dollars, financed through the Enel Green Power Group’s own sources, in line with the Group’s strategic growth targets, as envisaged by its 2013-2017 Business Plan.

In the Chilean wind sector, Enel Green Power has recently connected to the grid its Talinay wind farm (90 MW) and is completing construction works at its Valle de los Vientos wind farm (90 MW). Last August, Enel Green Power has broken ground at its Taltal wind farm (99 MW). In the geothermal sector, the company is exploring various concessions that have the potential for generating around 100 MW.