The first pipeline will be 21 kilometers long and will be installed between Alagon and Sobradiel. It includes a distribution network that will allow natural gas to be supplied to the Ribera Alta del Ebro region. The other pipeline is seven kilometers long and will be installed between Cadrete and Maria de Huerva.

The first pipeline entails a total investment of over E11 million while the second pipeline will cost around E800,000.

Both gas pipelines are expected to come on stream between the end of 2007 and early 2008. According to Endesa, the pipelines will extend its distribution network in the province and further establish the company as the main gas operator in the region, with over 1,500 kilometers of pipeline in the three Aragonese provinces.

The construction of the two pipelines will enable Endesa to supply natural gas directly and will mean that it does not need to build more fuel storage centers.