According to the contract, the parties will develop a plan by the spring 2015, and also conduct the corresponding strategic environmental impact assessment (SEIA).

Planned to pass through the Saarde and Abja rural municipalities, the proposed Kilingi-Nomme to Riga TEC II power line, along with the Harku-Lihula-Sindi 330/110kV line, is expected to expand the 330kV electrical grid vital to the supply of electricity across Estonia.

The line, a technical prerequisite for the desynchronisation of the Baltics from Russia’s electrical grid, and connection to the synchronous grid of Continental Europe, will also establish the new 330kV interconnection between Estonia and Latvia that is included in the Development Plan of the Estonian Electricity Sector.

In addition, the line will remove the bottleneck on the Estonian-Latvian border, raising the transmission capacity by 500 to 60MW, while creating a transit corridor for the Estonian-Finnish EstLink 2 and the Lithuanian-Swedish NordBalt interconnections, reducing the Baltics’ energy dependence on Russia.

The presentation of initial positions on the planning and the SEIA program is scheduled for May, followed by the presentation of draft solutions in summer, while the the initial planning solution is scheduled to complete by the end of 2014.