Renewable energy developer EDP Renewables has unveiled new 20MW wind farm in the province of Brindisi in the Apulia region, Italy.

According to the company, the new wind farm consists of 10 V90 wind turbines with a capacity of 2MW each, and is expected to generate around 40GWh of electricity annually.

The electricity generated at the facility will be sold across the country for the first 15 years of operation, under a visible remuneration scheme.

EDP Renewables has developed and implemented the connection infrastructure that connects the plant to the grid through the Brindisi-Taranto line.

The company has developed wind farms since 1996 and was first listed publicly in June 2008. Its global presence is managed by two regional platforms which oversee the development, construction and operation of assets in their geographic areas.

EDPR Europe, headquartered in Madrid, manages assets located in the European Union, and other Regions renewable energy assets of the EDP Group and EDPR North America, headquartered in Houston, manages assets in the United States and Canada.