Under the potential project, the Kyzylorda Regional Electricity Company will upgrade low and medium-voltage distribution networks in the oblast and install electricity meters.

The company will also increase the transformers capacity and make other improvements to reduce losses and expand energy efficiency.

EBRD director for infrastructure of Russia and Central Asia, Ekaterina Miroshnik said: "This project is the Bank’s first engagement with an electricity distribution company in Kazakhstan targeting modernisation of networks, reduction of losses and improvements to billing.

"These measures will lead to greater reliability and sustainability of the electricity supply in Kyzylorda.

"We are very proud of our cooperation with the Akimat of Kyzylorda oblast and hope it will become a model for our involvement in other cities and regions of Kazakhstan."

The EBRD signed a far-reaching Partnership for Re-Energising Reform in Kazakhstan in May 2014 to increase reform and investment in areas like municipal infrastructure.