E11.4 billion of investments will be used to modernize existing and construct new power plants. In Germany, construction has begun on new generating units in Datteln and Irsching. E.ON also plans to build a new 1,100MW hardcoal-fired generating unit at Staudinger power station. Also planned for Germany is a hardcoal-fired test unit with a thermal efficiency of more than 50%.

Money will also go to an ongoing construction of an 800MW combined-cycle gas turbine in Italy, a 1,100MW coal-fired power plant in the Netherlands, and several coal-fired and gas-fired power plants in eastern Europe. A 1,200MW gas-fired plant and a 1,600MW coal-fired plant are additionally planned for the UK.

Furthermore, E.ON plans to invest a total of E5.7 billion groupwide to modernize and expand its power networks. Here, a key focus is on enhancing the company’s networks in Germany, in part due to the connection of additional wind power facilities.

A total of about E4 billion is earmarked for the maintenance and expansion of E.ON’s natural gas supply infrastructure. Here, the focus is on extending existing and building new gas pipelines, increasing storage capacity, tapping gas fields in the North Sea, and constructing an LNG terminal.

Finally, E.ON plans to invest a total of about E2.9 billion to acquire shareholdings, most of which will be used on the shareholding in Yushno Russkoye gas field in western Siberia.