The company, which owns 40% of the Diavik diamond mine, located in North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada, processed 0.56 million tons in Q3 2014, when compared to 0.55 million tons for the same period in 2013.

The carats recovered remained unchanged at 1.67 million for the third quarters of 2014 and 2013. The company expects to produce about 2 million tons at the mine for the full year of 2014.

Dominion will undertake mining activities exclusively underground with about 0.7 million tonnes expected to be sourced from A-154 North, around 0.5 million tonnes from A-154 South and approximately 0.8 million tonnes from A-418 kimberlite pipes.

The company said the 8% increase in expected carat production from run of mine ore compared to the original mine plan results primarily from an increase in ore processed due to improvements in the availability and utilization of the processing plant and the availability of stockpiled ore at the start of the year.

Dominion owns interests in two major producing diamond mines that are situated in the low political risk environment of the Northwest Territories in Canada.

The company operates the Ekati diamond mine through its 80% ownership as well as a 58.8% ownership in the surrounding areas containing additional resources.

It supplies rough diamonds to the worldwide market via its sorting and selling operations in Canada, Belgium and India.