Thirty-seven rock grab-samples were collected from outcrops on the western part of the C-1 radiometric zone and 14 (or 38%) assayed more than 0.05% U3O8 (uranium oxide), including six samples grading more than 0.1 % U308 (0.419 %, 0.225 %; 0.23 %; 0,14 %, 0,11% & 0,1% U3O8).

Some 1.5 kilometers away from this zone and its outcrops, two radiometric in place angular boulders were discovered, one grading as high as 0,639 % U3O8. Another few km away from the first zone, the poorly outcropping central-eastern part of the C-1 spectrometric zone, 55 grab-samples (33 from outcrops and 22 from glacial floats) were collected. Three biotitite rock boulders with traces of apatite, uranophane, and uraninite assayed respectively 0.461%; 0.679% and 0.937% U308. The alteration observed looks like hydrothermal alteration, possibly associated with structural features or conduits. Due to their great softness, the source of these boulders is believed to be very close, particularly as these are biotite-rich altered rocks that could not have been transported very far away by the glaciers without being disintegrated. In the same area, six granitoid boulders with traces of molybdenite and uranophane graded more than 0.1% U3O8. Five samples from a biotite-rich and smoky quartz bearing outcrop returned values up to 0.132% and 0.28% U3O8. Three other outcrops assayed more 0.05% U3O8.

Samples were collected and prepared by IOS Geoscientifiques Inc of Saguenay, Quebec. They were assayed at the Saskatchewan Research Council. Field readings (radiation solution RS-120) varying from 5,000 cps to 45, 000 cps (counts per seconds) characterize the BUTTE zone. Highest assays and counts are associated with altered biotite-rich samples.